Hey Parents,

School Holidays are the perfect time for the kids to be in the kitchen, experimenting with recipes and trying to cook new things.

  • You'll find 8 recipes for your kids to cook - both savoury and sweet.

  • Recipes are designed for 6-14 year olds.

  • Recipes can be cooked self-paced or join in the fun of a live cooking class - right from your own home.

  • See your child's confidence grow over the holiday period, along with their smiles when your family enjoys their cooking.

I've combined the best of what worked from our in-person workshops and added lots of bonuses to help your 6-14 year old to grow in their cooking skills.

See what we're cooking below.

Happy cooking


HOW your 8-14 year old will learn .....

  • Choose to cook any or all of the 8 recipes in Spring Bake School.

  • Watch your kids grow in confidence and skills.

  • Video's shot from above - what your kids are cooking is exactly what they see.

  • One family payment - siblings/cousins/friends can join.

  • Sustainable - kids learning new skills, from home, in an affordable, easily accessible way.


How you'll access the recipes:

Access to your

own portal


workbook and recipes

Tips and hints on each recipe - including swappable ingredients

What other parents are saying:

Join Now


($30 with discount)

lifetime access

  • 8 Recipes:

    • Includes 5 live classes

    • 3 BONUS recipes

  • Access to every recipe in your own portal

  • Self-paced

  • Live Classes optional


How do I access the recipes?

When you book, you'll receive a confirmation email.  This contains a link to create an account on Kids Love to Cook@Home. You'll sign in then immediately have access to your own Kids Love to Cook @ Home portal, where you'll be able to access all of the previous class recordings. Download your My Cooking Journey workbook where you can track your 8-14 year old's skill growth and completed recipes.

Is there dairy free/gluten free alternatives?

  • In many recipes we provide - Swappables - ingredients that can be substituted out instead of the original ingredients.

  • There are lots of healthy recipes that provide a method that is completely a substitute. Examples of these are Dairy free cheesecake, Avocado chocolate mousse, Dairy Free Choc Tiramisu, Raw Berry Ice Cream Cake.

Do we have to attend the live classes?

Live classes are entirely optional and will work if your 6-14 year learns via a positive relationship with a teacher.  The video to the class is usually uploaded within an hour of the class finishing, so you can follow along to the video if that is a better learning style for your child.

How can I track my child's progress?

Before you start getting into the cooking, we suggest that you download the workbook so you can track which recipes you've cooked, make notes and track your skills growth.

© 2023 Kids Love To Cook Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.