Have you got a Rookie Cook who loves helping in the kitchen?

  • Your child has been helping out with you in the kitchen and is ready to grow and learn how to cook more

  • You're looking for ways for your child to learn to cook, ensuring they learn the basics get a great head start to their journey?

Hey there I'm Beth!

Mum, lover of cooking shows, relentless book worm and Founder of

Kids Love to Cook

Beth xx

As a mum to four daughters myself, I know the challenge that comes when your child:

  • Wants to be independent (which we all love),

  • Chooses to bake recipes that are way too advanced, and

  • Leaves your kitchen like a tornado has torn through (I see you).

There is soooo much information out there on Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok and grocery store magazines.

You're looking to find recipes that are at the right skill level for your child that doesn't involve random ingredients that you'll use once and find at the back of the pantry in a years time (or is that just me?)

I'm here to partner with you to:

  • Provide an easy to follow pathway that

  • Takes the guesswork out of the learn to cook process,

  • With recipes designed for kids to cook and actually eat.

Over the last ten years I've combined the best of what works for kids who've attended our classes and now added lots of bonuses to help you teach your 4-14 year old to grow in their cooking skills - right from your own kitchen.

Happy cooking!

'Learn to Cook

for Rookies'

shows kids how to:

  • Gain confidence in the Kitchen

  • Focus on safety

  • Set up cooking spaces

  • Measure accurately

  • Pack up, wash up, clean down

  • Use all the tools

Learn to Cook for Rookies

is designed by experts

Imagine your child embarking on a journey of joyful cooking.

With this 10-part series they will gain the foundational skills needed to continue their quest for cooking adventures.

How it Works

  • Start with simple baking

  • Gain and build on skills every step of the way

  • Learning WHY as they go

  • Once the Rookies program is completed, kids move onto the next stage of their cooking journey.

  • Complete any of the Bake School courses through the year, or

  • Become a member of Kids Love to Cook @ Home program for ongoing growth

New Skills

The videos include an overhead view so kids see exactly what's being cooked.

Real time videos keep pace with your child.

Kids learn practical new skills, in a fun & sustainable way.


Swappables are ingredients that can be used as an alternative.

These are helpful when needing to adjust a recipe due to allergies, cultural factors, intolerance or for picky eaters.

Self Paced

Cook at a pace and time that suits you.


Safety elements are noted with every recipe!

All tasks that require adult supervision are visually indicated with large red arrows.

We ensure there is minimal use of stovetops and sharp knives.

You'll get access to...

12 downloadable recipes


Activity Sheets

Keep track of completed recipes in your own portal.

Swappable Ingredients

and visual safety reminders on every recipe.

Ready to get your

Rookie cooking?

Join Now for just $75

  • 12 downloadable recipes

  • Workbook

  • Activity Sheets

  • Your own portal

  • Swappable Ingredients and visual safety reminders on every recipe.

Confidence building

Recipes & techniques!

Recipes Include...

  • Cheese and Spinach Triangles

  • Chocolate Rice Bubble Slice

  • Green Hulk Chunky Apple Muffins

  • Sausage Rolls

  • Plus 12 more kid approved recipes

What Parents are saying...

Our Story

  • In 2014 Beth founded Kids Love to Cook. She discovered her love of teaching, educating and empowering kids to not only cook, but build life skills.

  • With ongoing support from Kids and Parents alike, KLTC continues to grow and has expanded into a dynamic team that spans Sydney.

  • Over the years since, Beth and the team have cooked with tens of thousands of kids, cooking in schools, vacation care centres, large community events, small private group workshops and online classes for individuals, corporate groups and the growing KLTC @ Home online community.

  • She is a lover of healthy family food, life long learner, cooking tv shows watcher, avid reader of self-help books and Yorkshire detective mysteries with way too many recipes bookmarked on her phone.

  • Beth is Mum to her four daughters and wife to Jeremy (who you won’t find near a cook book).

You’re minutes away from setting your child up for a lifetime of joy in the kitchen!

For just $75 you receive:

  • 12 downloadable recipes

  • Workbook

  • Activity Sheets

  • Your own portal

  • Swappable Ingredients and visual safety reminders on every recipe.

Let's break down the value:

  • 12 downloadable skill building recipes - $195

  • Workbook & activity sheets - $40

  • Cooking memories with the kids - Priceless

  • Confidence building - Priceless

  • Lifelong cooking skills and techniques - Priceless

  • Hands on, practical experience in your own kitchen - Priceless

Total Value $235


How do I access the recipes?

When you book, you'll receive a confirmation email.  This contains a link to create an account on Kids Love to Cook@Home. You'll sign in then immediately have access to your own Learn to Cook for Rookies portal, where you'll be able to access all of the lessons.

Am I locked into a contract?

No - This is a one-off payment. You will be offered the opportunity to join as an ongoing member of Kids love to Cook @ Home . That is entirely optional.Due to the nature of being a digital product, there is no refunds on the purchase.

How can I track my child's progress?

Before you start getting into the cooking, we suggest that you download the workbook so you can track which recipes you've cooked, make notes and track your skills growth.

Is there dairy free/gluten free alternatives?

In many recipes we provide - Swappables - ingredients that can be substituted out instead of the original ingredients.

© 2024 Kids Love To Cook Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.